Friends, Freedom and Fun! What I Love About Eskating.

Friends, Freedom and Fun! What I Love About Eskating.

My name is Patrick and I have been riding electric skateboards for some time now. Though I learned to skateboard as a young kid, over time the passion faded due to other interesting hobbies. That is until my younger brother gave me my first electric skateboard. Since then, I never stopped riding.

It's interesting because most skateboarders in general are way younger than I am. So this generation of new e-boards opened up a whole new world for me in so many ways. The whole community has been a learning curve and I was surprised by the amount of middle-aged people who loved this sport as well. Now I'm at the point where I advise others and tell them where to get boards or how to adjust settings. It's great to be able to give back!

Electric skateboarding is more fun and I'm not restricted to fatigue which is a great thing because I don't have the endurance of a 16 year old anymore.

The first electric board I got was a Meepo v2 and believe or not it's still riding after all it has been through. I had a couple of other boards after that but my best purchase has been the Meepo Hurricane which in my opinion was the best board on the market at the time of release.

Eskate has brought me new friends and a feeling of freedom. Some people like to go out for a run but let's be honest, not everyone can. With eskate you just get on the board and go wherever you like. The only restriction there is - is you.
You can always start learning regardless of age. It's an easy way of transportation and it's way cheaper than busses or cars.
I would recommended this to anyone. Just give it a try and start expanding your horizons.


This blog post was submitted to us by Patrick, our ambassador in Amsterdam. Patrick helped to staff the Meepo booth at the Micromobilty conference in Amsterdam in June 2022.  He currently rides a Meepo Hurricane. 


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