Share Your Content With us and Get it Featured - Meepo V4S (ER) or MINI 2S (ER)

Share Your Content With us and Get it Featured - Meepo V4S (ER) or MINI 2S (ER)

What We’re Looking For

If you have cool videos or photos of the  Meepo V4S (ER) or MINI 2S (ER), share them on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook or TikTok. We will pick 30+ participants who will get prizes that are worth over $2000 in total. The prizes include new Meepo boards, accessories and gift cards. 

If you don’t have a V4S or MINI2S, you can get one now (up to $100 off). Delivery time is 3-7 days. Btw, if you hurry up with your purchase and buy in in August you get the chance to win a giveaway prize! Check more details in our recent blog post >>>

So get your camera ready, here are some ideas that may inspire you! 

  1. Tips for riding V4S (ER) or MINI 2S (ER)
  2. Nice sceneries you have found while riding V4S (ER) or MINI 2S (ER) 
  3. General reviews about Meepo V4S (ER) or MINI 2S (ER)
  4. Any other riding materials you think is interesting

Activity Duration: August 16, 2022 - August 31, 2022
The winner’s list will be announced within 5 working days after the submission deadline.

Video Examples:

Photo Examples:

How to Participate

  1. Go to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok and post your photos or videos.
  2. Add hashtag #meepov4s #meepomini2s
  3. Remember to wear a helmet when riding

What You Can Win

🏆  First Prize (2 winners: 1 winner for photo & 1 winner for video):

* Meepo V4S or equivalent cash

* Meepo MINI 2S or equivalent cash

🏆  Second Prize (10 winners:  5 winners for photo & 5 winners for video):

* 105 mm wheels kit (compatible with V4S & MINI 2S)

🏆  Participation (20 winners: 10 winners for photo & 10 winners for video):

* $10 gift card for sharing their videos or photos.

*Note: Meepo reserves the right to make adjustments to the terms outlined above at any point. This activity is only valid for riders of the Meepo V4S (ER) and MINI 2S (ER). 

Reading next

What's the difference between the V4S and the V4?
A person with dreadlocks, wearing a red helmet and red shoes, is riding an electric skateboard on a dirt path.